Good day Goodfellas
After a streak of inconsistencies, we're ready to return to our regularly scheduled program.
This week's focus on product development with AI (buzzwords & hypes aside, artificial intelligence is dope sh*t)

Without further ado, here's this week in bullets:
- Crash course state-of-AI
- Our first product test: Describerrr
- Next steps for validation
Crash course state-of-AI
Imagine being one of the first engineers ever to build & drive a car.
It probably was fascinating but far & far away from being ready to be used by a consumer.
You see, the invention takes time & going through cycles to become mainstream. -inserts smart looking for no reason hype cycle-

Now, imagine being Henry Ford standardising the process of building a car. The biggest feat of the invention was done ages ago (i.e., using combustion engines for transport). However, Henry Ford made the process and the car accessible to the masses.
By now, you're probably wondering why I'm talking about Henry Ford.
The answer is that history has a way of repeating itself. And in my humble reflection, I believe AI is making its way to be adopted by the masses.
The reason for thinking it's getting this level of maturity is by practical experiments & testing technologies like openai
Read on to a first practical experiment below ⬇️
Our first product test: Describerrr
As a data analyst, I often help businesses structure/manage/gather data for products they sell online & offline. This process is called product information management.
The thing with these kinds of processes is that they take a lot of time & resources to achieve reliable product data. More than once, retailers are stuck with inconsistent data they get from suppliers. This forces the retailer to choose data sanitisation (resource-heavy) or have suboptimal product information for the consumers.
In comes Describerrr → or how product information should be gathered.
It's our first experiment with AI and would like to work towards something like this:
- You provide the names of products you'd like to sell.
- You select which product properties you would like to gather.
- Describerrr does the heavy lifting. Finding the suitable product properties & turning them into structured data

Next steps for validation
Technology is cool, getting data fixed by a computer is dope, and drinking margaritas while your boss thinks you're gathering product information is a next-level four-hour-work-week scheme.Technology is cool, getting data fixed by a computer is dope, and drinking margaritas while your boss thinks you're gathering product information is a next-level four-hour-work-week scheme.

However, this all sounds cool & well, but we don't know yet if the market want's this & if the technology is solid enough for the industry.
So next steps for us, before even going into further development, we'd like to test if businesses are interested in this & more importantly, would like to pay for a product like this. So keep tuned for further developments on this AI thing.
Enjoy the sunny weekend.