Jodel jodel from the mountainside of Les Menuires in France,
happy to have you here. Simon at the decks this week.
Since last week, wemanaged to double our mailing list.
Moreover, we did so without even asking our parents if they could drop their mail. I never said anything about not asking my lovely mamacita girlfriend Zorita.
Anyway, a celebration is in order.
90% of all our fellow kaffies replied to last week's mail.Wherever that came from, solid. Real solid. Thank you.
It would be lovely if you'd do the same this week. Let us know what's signal and what's noise so we can keep tweaking.
This week in a nutshell?
So, the old business playbook is all about working 14 hours a day and taking no days off for the first 4 years.
So we decided to roll off on a ski trip with the extended family this week.
What's the point of being self-employed if all you do is employ yourself for work anyway?

Building our piece de resistance
Yentl and I have long been dreaming out loud about building a SaaS which would incentivize people to do marketing for us. Last week, we had an exciting talk with Jens Sys, co-founder of absoluteyou, intelligent go-getter and drinkebroeder from days not so long gone.
We got wildly enthusiastic about Jens's plans to conquer the steep hill of the payroll business and reach out for mountains far beyond.
We also talked about a problem business people have faced since before Yentl and yours truly dropped out of warm and cosy wombs.
It reignited our ever kindling fire to start building our piece de resistance.
Since quality > quantity - and the slopes are calling wildly - more on this in the coming weeks.
Let's end this letter with a toast to our first client.
First client
3dtools- a company run by ambitious people smarter than us - took a bet on kaffie to help articulate a solution to a problem for their target market.
They're banking on us to simplify communication for a complex product. While we're not competent in the spots needed to refine the product itself, I truly believe we're capable of building clever communication. Clever communication about their solution sticking like al dente spaghetti to their target market wall.
Do we know for sure?
Of course not.
But if we can't handle uncertainty, we surely won't be able to handle growth.

Wishing you the best of weekends,

PS: Snowboard, ski or après-ski for you?