Good afternoon kaffie readers
We’re back! Well, we’re back for a while now, but now the newsletter is back as well!
Since it’s Yentl at the keyboard today, it will be a data-driven mail.

This week in bullets:
- A lot of data was processed
- A Tableau training was given
- A recap of our trip was quantified in numbers
Processing big sets of data
From time to time, I still work on some projects for Studio Emma (my former employer). This week we tested an integration between SAP & Pimcore for a significant lighting producer.
As we speak, the integration is tested with +- 71.000 files containing data manipulations. This kind of test has the following goals:
- Stress testing the servers & checking if the resources can keep up with the processed data volume.
- Checking if Pimcore correctly processes the data that was offered by SAP.
- Finding errors before going live with the actual production server.
Of course, this is not a solo-slim operation; many team members are working their asses off to score a homerun. And to bring back homerun points means having a production server ready to go live in November.

Tableau training
A few weeks back, we created data dashboards for Fistong in Tableau → you can read about it in our previous newsletter.
This week I gave training on how to set up these kinds of dashboards to the guys of anyKrowd. This, to eventually provide every bar/club/venue owner insights on their clientele’s behaviour:
- Which drink is the most popular
- Who visited the most
- Who’s beer king/queen
- What impact does a marketing campaign have on my revenue
- …
In short: new steps were made with anyKrowd to create an even more powerful platform!

Stats of the motor tripStats of the motor tripAs most of you know, we had some vacation spent on motorcycles the last couple of weeks. Not only did we enjoy life on the road. It also translated into some interesting numbers:
- We drove 5579.2 KM across Spain, France & Belgium.
- Four tyres were retired, 2 of which were punctured & 2 were ridden to the tread.
- Simon paid one fine for crossing a solid white line.

In short: the trip was a blast & recharged our batteries for the coming autumn.
That’s it for this week!Enjoy the weekend